2 June – All 12 Malaysians on board of MV Mavi Marmara that were detained by the Israeli Naval Force two days ago were released last night. They were transported in five Jordanian buses to the capital of Jordan, Amman together with another 112 pro-Palestinian activist from 12 different Muslim nations.
Noorazman Mohd Samsuddin, the leader of the Malaysian Lifeline4Gaza convoy were interviewed by the Israeli news media ynet after they arrived in Jordan. The media was prevented from talking to the activist while they are within Israel.
"They attacked us without warning after Solatul Fajar. First they shoot us with rubber bullet, after sometime they use live ammunition. Five were dead on the spot. After that we surrender," said Noorazman in the interview.
The activist were released without their belonging returned. All phones, cameras, communication devices and baggage were confiscated by the Israelis. They are left with nothing but the clothes that they wore when the Israeli Forces stormed and hijacked the flotilla. Effort are underway to bring them back. Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman left for Amman from Kuala Lumpur this morning to facilitate their return. [i3h/lifeline4gaza]-- LifeLine 4 GaZa
* p/s ~ kami di Unit Ehsan Pulau Pinang mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya tindakan biadap serta ganas dan tidak berperikemanusiaan oleh rejim haram Zionis Laknatullah menyerang lalu merampas kapal konvoi bersama bantuan kemanusiaan dari 50 negara seluruh dunia...